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Mommy & Me Classes in Menlo Park
12 months to 13 years old
Mommy & Me Classes in Menlo Park are designed to give parents and their little ones the invaluable gift of uninterrupted time together: A Falling-in-Love Time Over and Over Again. The Meadow Room invites moms and dads to follow the lead of their child in playful and fun-filled activities (playhouse, storybooks, puzzles). The Hearth Room offers parents and children different experiences known as the "messy" arts (play dough, water play, paints). The parents' time is during the children's supervised outside play. Parents meet in the Hearth for coffee and a discussion lead by a qualified staff member. Heart wisdom and daily practical questions merge naturally. This weekly circle of support and friendship quickly becomes a favorite time for parents! Music time ends the morning session. Parents and children gather in the Meadow for movement, songs and goodbye hugs.
To be the child's interpreter is to hear with listening ears, to see with respectful eyes and to love with humble trust.
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